Conservative Party USA Endorses Rick Santorum

For Immediate Release

Based on extensive review and comprehensive examination of the issues and candidates, the Conservative Party USA endorses Rick Santorum to be the GOP nominee for President.

“While many of the current GOP candidates are solid contenders and worthy of consideration, CP-USA recognizes that Mr. Santorum best articulates the constitutional, economic and fiscal policies that America needs today.” explained H. M. Hervey, Chairman.  “Like CP-USA, Senator Santorum proudly affirms the concept of American Exceptionalism, supports traditional family values and understands that “Buy American” is the key to reviving the U.S. economy.” continued Mr. Hervey.

CP-USA understands that Mr. Santorum has an uphill struggle to cross the finish line ahead of Michelle Bachmann, Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney. “Ms. Bachmann is a solid, proven conservative who is running a stalwart campaign.  She performed well in the debates and stood toe-to-toe with the big boys.  No fear, no excuses.” said Lisa Michaels, Chairman, CP-Oregon. “Bachmann would be CP-USA’s first choice where it not for Santorum’s close alignment with our Platform.” Lisa added.

CP-USA also believes Bachmann would also be a splendid addition to the next Administration as Secretary of Health and Human Services where she could use her considerable skills and experience to help dismantle ObamaCare.

Governor Romney appears to have the clearest path to the GOP nomination at this stage because his solid business experience will play well in the general election. But Seth Riggio, CP-USA’s Director of Youth Outreach, explains that “While most of the GOP establishment deems Romney as more electable, Romney’s brand of conservatism is a bit more ‘ambiguous’ than other candidates like Santorum and Bachmann.  That precludes him from capturing CP-USA’s nod at this time.”

Richard Rutledge, Chairman, CP Alabama, points out that “Santorum and Bachmann have the right values, temperament and skills needed to defeat Obama and be a good President.  And removing Obama is Job #1 for conservatives in 2012.  The debates also prove that Santorum can hold his own on any stage with Obama. ”

Ron Paul is running strong as he does traditionally at this stage of the race; it’s his third and final try. While his national support is a mile wide, it’s only a yard deep. That renders his long-term staying power questionable at best.  CP-USA supports some of Paul’s domestic monetary/fiscal policies (e. g., auditing the Federal Reserve; serious budget cuts) but rejects his libertarian drug policy as unrealistic and his foreign policy on Iran as dangerous.

Rick Perry flew out of the gate hot as a six-shooter with unbounded fanfare, handsome with lots of promise and good hair.  But then he started talking.  Yikes.  Conservatives need someone who can walk, chew gum, talk and shoot chorus.  Jon Huntsman is a competent and accomplished diplomat but has never caught the imagination of most conservatives or Republicans primary voters.

Of course that leaves Newt Gingrich.  The imperious Mr. Gingrich is certainly a strong, articulate and well-informed candidate.  However, his considerably flawed personal and political history would make HIM the focus in the general election rather than Obama’s economic failures and global anti-American apology tours.  Newt’s desire to explore for precious metals on the moon may be a vain attempt at making all his political baggage weightless.

In addition, CP-USA believes it takes more to win the general election than out-snarling Obama in debates.

H. Michael Hervey
Chairman, CP-USA

2 responses to “Conservative Party USA Endorses Rick Santorum

  1. Lawrence Peters

    I believe that CP USA’s analysis of the candidates is measured and sound.
    From the beginning, and for various reasons, it has been difficult to “weed out” the field.
    I would make one alteration: Yes, Mr. Santorum for president but then why not Michelle Bachman for VP?? I agree with the idea of a cabinet post BUT Ms. Bachman’s positiont as VP could provide many interesting and positive assets and declare a strong conservative based agenda for the country.
    That is easily a ticket that I could endorse

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